Kamala Harris destroyed public safety and quality-of-life in California, turning much of the state into third-world neighborhoods, homeless camps right next to even Beverly Hills and on the beaches, where most locals don’t feel safe to walk by themselves anymore… here’s how she did it . .

This isn’t the first election season Kamala Harris has lied to voters. Her constant lies about Trump and about who she is are just a continuation of her record of deceit . . this isn’t the first election season where she has lied to voters.

Two things Kamala Harris did that decimated Californians’ standard of living by virtually eliminating any consequences for crime, emboldening criminals of all types, including violent street gangs . . (some pictures below)

Her lies to the California voters conned them into passing Proposition 47 (2014) and into electing pro-criminal anti-victim George Gascon as district attorney of Los Angeles County (2020)

In both cases she sold them a bill of goods and now they have buyer’s remorse.

She wrote the title and the ballot summary for Prop 47. She deceptively titled it “the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act.” The ballot summary, which explains what the proposition will do if it passes, is usually the whole ball game. If it’s glowing, and sounds like it will be a really good thing to get passed, people will say “yeah, that sounds good. I’ll vote for that.” She lied to the voters, telling them it would do wonderful things, and didn’t mention any of the horrible and dangerous results it would cause.

It was a perfect storm of progressive policy destruction of the lives of millions of Californians. Making retail theft of almost $1000 virtually legal (it’s now a misdemeanor instead of a felony, so the police won’t even come, and your chances of being prosecuted for it are pretty much zero). At the same time it took away any requirement of punishment for drug possession crimes. (prior to 47, a judge would give drug users a choice, prison or treatment, usually they chose treatment. 47 took away these requirements). These two things coupled together ganged up to cause an explosion in homelessness and an explosion in crime, both violent and property crime at the same time.

So now you have tens of thousands of drug addicts who can’t hold a job because of their progressively worse addictions becoming homeless, and having no job they go into stores to steal to support their drug habit, forcing business-owners to lose their hard-fought livelihoods very quickly, and often they had to close their stores, they just couldn’t afford all the theft. As the available drugs got harder and more dangerous (lately one called “tranq” (horse tranquilizer) completely robs the addict of any desire to even eat to stay alive, and 5 a day are dying on Los Angeles streets, according to former sheriff Alex Villanueva (that’s about 2000 a year). Thanks Kamala!

Homelessness is something every hard-working Californian is sick to death of. Homeless camps everywhere, even right next to $4 million dollar homes. It got so bad that a woman was lying naked on a couch in the median of one of LA’s busiest streets for a MONTH and nobody did anything about it! (picture below). Crazed homeless people attacking innocent people on the street, often screaming and waving knives and machetes. Many of them ride the metro trains/buses all day where it’s warm in the winter and cooler in the summer, and they attack regular commuters and bus drivers. One man was set on fire by a homeless woman on the train, one woman recently was stabbed to death on the train by a homeless man. It’s happening all the time. They threaten and urinate on passengers, often pooping on the trains as well. The trains and buses have become an indoor mental asylum. It’s gotten so common one local radio station has started having a feature they call the “Metrolink stabbing of the day.”

They also fill up parks where kids play, often kids have to run into human feces and drug needles in the parks. They shouldn’t have to see that while they are playing in the park!! There are homeless camps right next to and across the street from elementary schools, where it’s not uncommon to see a homeless man come out into the middle of the street, drop his pants and take a dump, right in front of elementary school kids! Many of these tents have been taken over by the gangs, trafficking in drugs, guns, and prostitutes. And the city leaders will do nothing! Because they are just as “progressive” and “woke” as Kamala Harris, who got the whole homeless ball rolling in California on a mega-scale.

Proposition 47, a law she pushed in 2014 to go softer on crime- it reduced many crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including retail theft of up to $950 (in any one store visit-meaning you could to it multiple times a day, and the police won’t even come). The city of Sacramento even recently threatened a Target store with a possible fine for making “nuisance calls” to the police about shoplifters. Imagine that! That’s their JOB, to come when a crime is being committed. But the city of Sacramento views it as such a minor thing (because of the woke, progressive, pro-criminal and anti-victim thinking (demonstrated by Kamala Harris and her actions) that pervades the Democrat legislative stronghold of California (Sacto), that they threaten a business with a fine for “nuisance calls” when people are stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise from them.

No WONDER Walgreens closed 15 stores in San Francisco recently due to retail theft, which might as well be legal- nothing is done about it. So now that little old black lady can’t get her medication filled anywhere near her neighborhood. Thanks, Kamala, really looking out for the little guy. Really fighting for all of us!

The gangs and criminals in general figured out pretty quickly that they could get away with anything, and became much bolder.

Smash-and-grab robberies became a daily occurance, with some businesses (like high-end jewelry stores) losing up to a million dollars in just a few minutes. They started small (usually gangs coming in all at once w/ just a big duffel bag to stuff everything into and then ran out), and soon they were grabbing far more than $950 each per visit. Over 100,000 California businesses had to close their doors, mostly small businesses, because they just couldn’t afford the theft and the police and politicians would do nothing. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs because the business they worked for went under, due to Kamala’s legalized theft. Home invasions and burglaries by organized gangs have skyrocketed as well, with all the rich, white liberals on the West Side who always swore they’d never touch a guy all buying guns now, because the police can’t get there in time.

It’s not the police’s fault. They know from experience if they arrest someone, for theft or even on a violence charge, the perp will be back on the street in an hour. Gangs even taunt the police with this fact, and the police can do nothing, because of the law and George Gascon as the soft-on-crime “prosecutor.” Gascon has over 14,000 cases on his desk that he refuses to prosecute or allow any of his staff to prosecute.

There are three Los Angeles county cops who are dead today because of violent criminals Gascon refused to prosecute. He let them walk on prior violent charges and they went out and killed three cops (two El Monte city police officers and one LA County Sheriff’s deputy dead now, and Gascon(and Kamala) don’t care). Hundreds of civilians are also dead because Gascon refused to prosecute violent criminals. Yeah, Kamala, that’s really “holding people accountable.” What a liar! In a recent case, in the news in the past week, a young woman who murdered two innocent hispanic men as part of a gang retaliation action (she was told, “just go into that neighborhood and kill people”, she did, with no remorse). She was in prison for only four years because of the soft-on-crime policies, she just got out a couple months ago and has already killed another person. But Kamala and George Gascon don’t believe anyone should be locked up for any long period of time, no matter what they’ve done or how many people they’ve killed. One gang member, recorded on a jail phone call, was telling his gang buddy that Gascon was going to let him walk (not prosecute him), saying “that’s my champion right there (Gascon), I’m gonna have his name tatooed on my forehead.”

Praise from gangs for Kamala’s buddy for being so soft on crime, allowing dangerous people to go back out and walk the streets, terrorizing innocent citizens.

Kamala Harris campaigned for Gascon (her old buddy from their days in San Francisco), she gave him a glowing endorsement and lied to the voters saying “he will hold people accountable” (she literally said those words).

In fact, he’s even been filing suit on behalf of imprisoned felons, taking their cases to court to get “resentenced” (i.e., get the sentence reduced to almost nothing, without ever informing the victim’s family (in cases where he’s trying to get a murderer out or prison).

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